Sunday, August 17, 2008

Updates! Fissure and Facility

Fissure and Facility have both had some updates and fixes, based on their gameplay and their aesthetics. Eh, mostly gameplay, but some aesthetics.


Fissure's gameplay, in my opinion, is rivaled by only a small few. Its aesthetics weren't top-of-the-line, but I was okay with them back then. The changes I made include:
- Two more BRs added (Total of 9 now)
- The biggest problem with Fissure was the fact that some CTF games could be stalemated for a very long time. Well, with the help of the next feature (Hehe, spoiler) and the spawn change, this is fixed to be much better. In the teams' bases, there are a good amount of "duplicate" spawn points, next to each other. These have been eliminated to increase the spawning away from home, and hopefully help teams get to flags uncontested.
- A few double boxes re-interlocked more smoothly.
- The trip mines on each side have been replaced with grav lifts, which, when used correctly, cann get you easily to the enemy base over the top divider wall.


In the various playtests with Facility, I felt that gameplay was lacking. Really, all I needed with Facility was one big update, and rwo smaller ones.
- First, a small one. The walls used to block off the map always looked messy, so I replaced them with vertical single boxes, and also added a bit more length to the border to make it harder to break.
- The other small one (Actually, not so small) is that the radar jammer was replaced with active camo. Essentially, they have the same purpose, to help conceal a sneaky player and get him to the enemy side. Camo, however, won't help someone 'poop jump' out of the map.
- The big one: there is a new structure. From the fence box's inside (The side facing your spawn) is two rows of boxes and walls, so you now can't go both ways, and must move in an "S" shape, giving it a more "Conquest feel", making sure you'll meet up with the opponent.

Both links are up to date.

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