Tuesday, September 30, 2008

In the Works: September 30, 2008

Infiltrate: Almost Done

I know, there has been lots of testing for Infiltrate. I'm getting a feel for the setup and trying to perfect it. I understand some of you are a bit sick of it, but I am almost there, and when done, it'll be played as much as any other custom. My next steps before restesting:

- Lockdown (Rat's Nest): adjust to two alpha zombies.
- Ghost Town (Death Rate) and Massacre (High Ground): add fusion coils to main camp spots.
- Doomsday (Standoff): trashed.
- All: new custom powerup. because the custom powerup is no longer used for the sniper role, it will be used to a new effect. 2 minutes into the game it will spawn. Directly beneath it will spawn a BR (no spare clips) and 2 frags. The custom powerup gives them a 5 second ability to pickup weapons. This will be used as a late boost for the zombies to get the last couple humans.

And after those are completed, Infiltrate likely will be too. I'll have one big fest for it to go out with a bang when testing is complete, and will possibly have a Youtube vid of the games made (I've been saving them).

Later Projects: in more detail

There are a few projects that have not been released to the public, but will be worked on after Infiltrate's completion.

- SF Epilogue: a very quick forge was designed around Epilogue for SnipeFlag. Epitaph was an epic success, so Epilogue should only be better.

- SF Remains: SnipeFlag's more in-depth project: a Foundry map. The main feature will be a couple snaking pathways to drop down from above on the flag base. There will be several collapsible "trees" made of barriers and crates, that with a few bruteshots, tumble down and are capable of splatters. There will be a good deal of geomerging and interlocking, and it will have a ghost town feel. (Not relating to the map) Attackers, among other weapons, have access to two mongeese for moments of either epic failure or epic success.

- Air Attack: Air Attack has not been formally started yet, but I have the blueprint. I will be taking lots of time to ensure the roof is done perfectly. It is a game of One VIP where teams spawn in armories. Select your weapons. After 10 seconds, the defenders' team opens, and they all enter the arena through one teleporter on ground level. Attacking team has one teleporter open after 20 seconds, that can go to any one of 10 different receivers (I will use 2-ways). They go through the tele, and are forced to be dropped into the arena (They can't wait and spawn camp from above). No one has radar, so the defenders must be ready to survive the air raid.