Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Map: Fissure

Fissure has one or more update posts. Click here to view the latest one about its changes.

Fissure plays "big": it uses the entire area of Foundry and is designed for vehicular warfare and games for up to 6 on 6 or 7 on 7. Its theme is many sloped, crooked dividers splitting the area, and the bridge "hills" that can be used as cover or for launching vehicles. It is best played with CTF, Territories, and Slayer. There are also two sniper towers overseeing the map in the back. It is semi-symmetrical, meaning that the structures have the same effect, and the weaponry and jumps are about the same, but aesthetically and physically, some structures are different. Here are the pictures: click on the pictures to view them in full-size. Captions are below the corresponding shot.

A semi-overview, showing the middle wall dividing the field. The only way to ever get over this wall is with a grav lift (One per team, long respawn).

A different angle. You can see a couple of the bridge "hills;" there are two on each side. The hills can be used to jump on top of the one-floor dividers. Both machine gun turrets (One per team) have been removed to make it easier to capture.

A view of the other side, including the fence wall bridge.

A view of one of the sniper towers. Both have two ways up, and one sniper rifle with one spare clip and a 45 second respawn.

The other tower. These are an example of semi-symmetry: not the same structure, but the same effect and jumps.

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