Wednesday, August 20, 2008

HALO Online: Perfected Gametype Creation

If you've seen the entry about the new Forge features, you'll know how many options are in the game. Gametypes certainly match it. It is the same interface as before, but with many new available features. Combine it with the Forge Mode, and you have one amazing custom game.

  • In fields that require a number or percent (Base player damage resistance for instance), you can enter your own. (i.e. 375%)

  • In Infection games, add go-to points that give humans points for reaching.

  • Ability to say how many teams there are in games like Team Slayer or Territories, and set if you want people to be able to change teams in the pre-game lobby.

  • Ability to enable smart team matcher: picks the best teams based on rank, and based on how many people you want per team.

  • No restrictions to weapon starts. You may spawn with Sentinel Beams, Fuel Rod Guns, even detached turrets.

  • Under player traits menus, there is a new section: Spawning. It selects:

    • Weapon start

    • Which grenades you start with (Frag: __ (1,2, or 0), Plasma: __, Spike: __, Fire: __)

    • Which grenades you regenerate, and after how long.

    • Which equipment you start with

  • Under player traits, ability for a player to spawn with no ammunition. Used for games where you want it to be about sticks, splatters, etc.

  • Synchronized Vehicle spawning:

    • Set it up for 1 to 3 players at a time.

    • They all spawn in the driver, passenger seat, or turret of a vehicle, based on your command.

    • Pick the vehicle first, then how much of it should be filled.

    • Other spawn options, like respawn time, are disabled.

    • Pick if they should be able to get out.

  • Ability to change what appears in HUD and what doesn't.

  • Ability to have multiple Juggernauts at once, or multiple bombs in play in Assault.

  • Capture the Flag playable for Multi Team. Can set the rules as:

    • Each team has a single target, and must protect their own flag.

    • You may capture anyone's flag, and anyone may capture yours.

  • Ability to make someone's speed 0%: so they cannot move.

  • In-vehicle speed different than foot speed.

  • Up to three different VIP labels, and 3 total VIPs per team. (I.e. you could have two sniper traits, and one VIP trait, and you must kill the VIP for points.)

  • See above; three traits for alpha zombies in infection as well.

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